
Long Term Care

Do you have a plan for your long term care?

Simply put, long-term care is the assistance you need when a serious illness or disability renders you unable - physically or cognitively - to care for yourself for a lengthy period of time. Long-term care is not provided in a hospital, but is certainly not limited to nursing homes. One year's stay in a nursing home costs, on average, in excess of $100,000, and the costs are rising yearly. Expenses like that could quickly exhaust savings and other assets. Private long-term care insurance is a proven, economical way to help protect these assets while providing more choices about the quality and type of care you need.

  • A majority of Americans over the age of 65 will need long term care in their lifetime.
  • Nearly fifty percent of Americans will spend some time in a nursing home after age 65.
  • One in five Americans over age fifty will need long term care services in the next twelve months.

IBA Financial LLC is a leader in the planning of long-term care protection. Our innovative products and selection of qualified carriers have set the standard in the industry.

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