
Our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice
At IBA financial, providing for your security is our highest concern. We have been protecting our policyholders and brokers since 1965, and that includes protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our customers’ and former customers’ personal information. Therefore we are pleased to publish IBA financial Privacy Notice, which describes how we handle information we receive about you.

Information Collection
We collect and use information about you in order to provide insurance products and other services. In turn, this information may be submitted to insurance carriers for the purpose of underwriting your application for life insurance and / or annuities.

We obtain most of this information from you, primarily from the application you complete when you apply for our products or services. If we need additional information we may obtain it from third parties such as employers, adult family members, other insurers, consumer reporting agencies and medical care advisors.

Information Protection
To guard the personal information of our customers and former, ,we ,maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply ,with state regulations. Personal health information is accorded additional protection. We also have also appointed a privacy officer to monitor compliance with IBA financial privacy policy.

All employees, brokers and agents of IBA financial are required to protect the confidentially of our customers or former customers personal information and they may not access this information unless there is a legitimate reason for doing so, such as responding to a customer or former customer request or providing information to an insurance carrier for the express purpose of underwriting an application for insurance.

Information Disclosure
We will not sell personal information of our current and former customers. We will not disclose personal information of our customers or former customers except as necessary for conducting business or where provided by law. For example, we may disclose your personal information to an agent, our employee or our service providers so they arc able to service and maintain your business or respond to your questions or requests. We may also disclose your personal information to other financial institutions with which we have marketing agreements. We will notify you of our intent to disclose information to other financial institutions and may require your written authorization. We require the recipients of such information to protect the information we provide and use it only for the purpose provided. Organizations from which ,we obtain information may retain and disclose such information as permitted by law.

Information Access and Correction
Should you wish to obtain a copy of your personal information, please write to us al the address shown below. Non-public health information obtained from third party providers will be released with your authorization to your personal physician or other health provider. If you believe any personal information is incorrect please contact our compliance officer.

For Additional Information
If you have questions about IBA financial privacy policy, please contact us at 585-263-4680, or toll free at 800-8361181. You may also w.rite or call our privacy officer, Scott B. Miano, at 36 West Main Street, Suite 700, Rochester, New York 14614.